
Archive for July 5th, 2009


I spent the holiday with my family at my cousin’s farm. It’s small, but I’m quite jealous. They have a good-sized garden and a small collection animals – including two horses. Too bad they don’t live very close. I only make it out there once or twice a year. I don’t know that I would ever have the time, energy, or desire to keep up with a farm, but I would LOVE to have enough land for a large garden and some farm animals (chickens, ducks and goats, please).

After a three day weekend it’s back to work for me (yes, I work on Sundays). P and I got quite a bit accomplished in our first week here.  Thursday and Friday were non-stop cleaning and settling in. We’ve got several large piles for resale/garage sale and donating. I’m glad to get rid of so much clutter! There’s still much unpacking to be done, but the house is starting to feel cozy.

If I have time after work, I’d like to go sell some of my old books and CDs and buy a few (used) gardening books. The amount of gardening information available online is overwhelming and I could get sucked into the computer for days trying to read it all. Sometimes my eyes goes fuzzy from looking at the screen for so long!

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